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28 water wells contaminated with dioxin in east Harris County

FOX 26:

When you live pretty close to a Superfund site on the San Jacinto River, it is not the kind of letter you want delivered to your mail box – Harris County Health authorities warning that initial tests reveal unsafe levels of cancer causing Dioxin in your well water.

The message-stop drinking the water immediately.

“We are talking about the deadliest chemical known to man potentially at unsafe levels. Residents need to adhere to the warning,” said Jackie Young of the San Jacinto River Coalition.

Young has long contended Dioxin from the half century old waste pits has contaminated groundwater. It’s a claim the EPA has long rejected, but may be forced to reconsider if these results prove valid.

“These are residents neighboring a large Dioxin pit in the San Jacinto River. Is it a coincidence? I don’t think so,” said Young.

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